
What is Diversity Connects?

Diversity Connects is an initiative implemented by QSDP aimed at providing a fun, and safe space for students to connect with other students of diverse backgrounds. However, it is also an opportunity for first year students to get mentored and guided by upper year students at Queen’s University. Students will explore subjects on how to navigate university life and find opportunities at Queen’s.

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Want to become a mentor?

Being a mentors means being a friend and role model to their mentee(s). Our mentors are deeply invested in the personal and character development of their mentee(s). Mentors should encourage and push their mentee(s) to adopt positive academic habits and make sure to track their academic growth

Click the link below to become a mentor.

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Want to become a mentee?

Get the chance to be mentored one-on-one with experienced Queens University upper years. Becoming a mentee allows one to feel confident knowing they have a support group every step of the way

Also, our mentors have been in your position! They can use their experience to provide important advice to achieve success at the post-secondary level

Click the button below to apply now!

Frequently Asked Questions


What is the time commitment for mentors

3.5 hours/month

What is the time commitment for mentees?

1.5 hours/month

How many mentees will I have?

Up to 3

What do I do if there is an emergency?

Please contact the QSDP External Team at

How do I know if I am eligible as a mentor

We welcome all mentors! All mentors chosen will be given adequate training to ensure that they are prepared to be a mentor